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A leading educational institution for training, scientific research and fostering

Thai Nguyen University of Education - Thai Nguyen University (TNUE- TNU) is a leading higher educational institution in training and fostering a contingent of high quality teachers and educational administrators.  It is a famous centre for educational research and the application of science and technology, and a place that serves the education-training career and socio-economic development of Vietnam. Over the past nearly 60 years of growth and development, the University has made great contributions to the country’s education-training careers service, especially in the Northern Midlands and Mountainous areas.

The quality of the University through accreditation and looking to the future

With the mission of being a leading pedagogical university in training and fostering a contingent of high-quality teachers, educational managers, and science and technology research and application centers in the field of education ; Testing the quality of education is one of the important measures that the school takes to maintain the quality standards and constantly improve the quality of teaching and learning to meet the requirements of learners and society.

Modern and spacious facilities

In recent years, TNUE has focused on investing in modern facilities for training, scientific research and teacher fostering. The university always creates the most favorable conditions for learners to have a good and modern learning environment in order to meet the social needs.

Teaching staff are highly qualified and dedicated to their profession

As of March 2020, TNUE has 475 officers and employees. Among these, there are 320 teachers directly involved in teaching, and over 52% of these teachers have doctorate degrees and about 20% of these teachers are studying domestic and foreign postgraduate qualifications. More than 40 of the teachers have achieved the titles of Professor or Associate Professor. The school is striving towards the goal that by 2025, over 70% of lecturers will have doctoral degrees with about 20% of those having been trained overseas.

Rich and advanced training program

With the goal of implementing the mission of "Training and fostering a contingent of high-quality teachers and educational administrators, being a center for scientific and technological research and application, and also a place for serving education-training career and socio-economic development within Vietnam, especially in the Northern Midlands and Mountainous areas," for many years, TNUE has constantly renewed training and fostering programs to keep up with the qualifications of leading universities in the country, the region and in the rest of the world in order to train high-quality human resources.

Sinh viên sau khi tốt nghiệp ĐHSPTN

Ethical standards

You can be passionate for your profession. Take care to preserve the teacher's honour, conscience, and ethics. Love and help colleagues and learners and know when to protect the learners’ colleagues’ and the community’s legitimate rights and interests.

Knowledge and professional competence

You can have an in-depth knowledge of a specific scientific field that you have been trained for, and other supporting additional knowledge to apply in your program design, management and implementation of the teaching processes in high school and preschool.

Professional skills and life skills

You can achieve the skills to allow you to work independently or in groups to build a safe, healthy and friendly educational environment.

Job opportunities

You can gain many job opportunities, you can teach at professional education establishments including universities, colleges, intermediate schools, continuing education centres, vocational education centres, high schools, secondary schools, primary schools and preschools across the country.

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