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Teaching staff are highly qualified and dedicated to their profession 


     As of March 2020, TNUE has 475 officers and employees. Among these, there are 320 teachers directly involved in teaching, and over 52% of these teachers have doctorate degrees and about 20% of these teachers are studying domestic and foreign postgraduate qualifications. More than 40 of the teachers have achieved the titles of Professor or Associate Professor. The school is striving towards the goal that by 2025, over 70% of lecturers will have doctoral degrees with about 20% of those having been trained overseas.

    TNUE's human resources are well-trained at major training centers and domestic or highly reputable foreign research institutes, so their expertise is strong enough to keep up with the development trends throughout the region and the rest of the world. Currently, the specialized human resources are concentrated into focused research groups including 5 research groups specializing in the field of educational science. TNUE has nearly 100 key pedagogy and educational management lecturers participating in teacher training and fostering activities, building and developing general education programs, writing textbooks and other materials for professional training, implementing many themes, projects, and tasks at the national and ministerial level in the fields of science in general, and particularly in educational science.

      In the context of the 4.0 revolution and the overhaul of general education, despite facing many challenges of the industry, the university staff and lecturers have overcome difficulties, been dedicated and responsible to the profession, and have constantly innovated and developed. The spirit of innovation and creativity is spread throughout each lecture, where many active teaching methods are applied to inspire the love of teaching to students. The lecturers also spread their passion for the profession to the general teaching community in the Northern Midland and Mountainous provinces. Where they orient and lead general teachers in integrated teaching, STEM education development and local program development.

      A strong, dedicated, responsible and highly skilled team of professionals is a condition to ensure the quality of the school's educational and training activities, and ensuring that TNUE's learners meet the requirements of human resources both global quality and high quality. With over 54 years of creation and development, going through many difficult and arduous periods, the teachers of the School show a sense of responsibility, dedication, and enthusiasm for the profession through teaching activities which create the most favorable conditions for adult generations of students.


