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Educational philosophy 


1. TNUE’s educational philosophy

In Vietnamese: “Kiến tạo - Chất lượng - Hội nhập”

In English: “Construction - Quality – Integration”

2. Meanings of the educational philosophy

- TNUE’s educational philosophy is a collection of core viewpoints and cross-cutting ideologies to guide educational goals, contents and teaching methods, roles of lecturers and learners in the University’s educational activities.

- TNUE’s educational philosophy is formed and reflects the University's tradition throughout the history of establishment and development.

- TNUE’s educational philosophy aims to train graduates with good political and moral qualities; foundational knowledge, strong expertise; ability to self-study, research, be creative and resolve the requests arising from educational theory and practice; self-adaptation to lifelong learning; foreign language and information technology skills sufficient to meet the requirements of the workplace and integration.


3. Contents of the educational philosophy

- Construction means proactively building an active teaching, research and learning environment; applying constructivist theory to the process of teaching and educational activities.

- Quality indicates meeting the needs of stakeholders about the quality of training, retraining and scientific research of the University.

- Integration is the ability to study and work in line with the current workforce trends and to be assessed upon regional and international standards. Integration is also demonstrated by the University's and its graduates' training programs recognized by international accrediting bodies and accepted by regional and international universities of education.
